Thursday, February 18, 2010

talking to the stakeholders: Todd Bucher

From the way I see it, there are a handful of 'stakeholders' in the port-o-potty equation:
-the manufacturers
-the people who buy them (often for a rental business)
-the people who rent them (often for special events)
-the people who use them
-the people who clean them/transport them

Ideally, I will get some perspective on all the stakeholders. My survey is addressing the general public ('the people who use them'), and I am visiting Rumpke next week to learn more about the people who buy them and the people who clean them. That leaves...the people who rent them. Todd Bucher, a member of the Cincinnati Regional Chamber, is in charge of renting port-o-potties for the Taste of Cincinnati and Oktoberfest, two of the largest outdoor events in the city each year. We exchanged a couple emails and he shared the information above. (click on the image to see it larger) The most interesting fact to me? They keep a pumper on-site, and someone is constantly checking the facilities to see if they need to be pumped. Yikes.

1 comment:

  1. well, that may not be pleasant to hear, but the good thing is, they are constantly monitoring their product, and that's good!
    When you're in a Portable Restrooms
    business, you must always monitor your products especially when they're on the clients. That's the best way to keep your clients and stay in the business. That's what do.
