Sunday, February 21, 2010

anthony bourdain: no reservations

Tracy just sent me some great pages from Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations book. They cover some aspects of bathrooms of the world, and it brings up a couple interesting points...
-How different or similar should a port-a-potty be to a public bathroom? How close should it be to a private bathroom?
-Is there a way to tackle this thesis problem that could make the final result applicable not just domestically, but internationally?
>Even looking at the domestic market, different regions and states have distinctively different laws and needs. Southern California gets far hotter than northern Michigan, so ventilation would seemingly need to be adjusted...
-Where is the line drawn between a normal no-big-deal bathroom experience and a terrible bathroom experience like many people have in port-o-potties?

One other thing... port-o-potty tipping seems to be a real problem. If port-o-potties were more difficult to tip, it would surely make sanitation worker's lives much, much better,

The survey is pretty much wrapped up- thank you to everyone who participated. I'll be synthesizing the results and post more information here soon!

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